Why we suddenly want to issue a new token?

BiiLabs Editor
2 min readAug 10, 2021

Many of our acquaintances know that BiiLabs used to have a great concern about issuing blockchain-based tokens. Perhaps because BiiLabs was founded in 2017, exactly the year of ICO Bubble, we witnessed the craziness of the last people on the bandwagon and then consolidate the belief that the value of blockchain lies in an innovative distributed network, instead of accepting most ICO visions.

Time flies. It’s been three years since our startup was first established. In belief of the future values of blockchain, we’ve done a couple of experiments as well as new applications and learned much more about tokenomic possibilities, particularly the vision of financial inclusion and decentralized finance (DeFi) potentials. Until now, we’re looking forward to getting involved in industrial transformation and upgrade.

2020 was a special year: Covid-19 was changing the world. Meanwhile, BiiLabs was invited to conduct some research projects related to global digital identities and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which inspired us quite a lot. These experiences give us an opportunity to explore upcoming decentralized identity and privacy issues. For sure, the CBDC project helps us realize the requirements of global currency and regulation challenges in the modern word.

And the end of 2020, our partners came to us to seek for workarounds to overcome challenges in map economy for Unicorn in Southeastern Asia (SEA). After a-few-month efforts, we finally come up with the promising blockchain-inspired solution to tokenomics: The SMAT Network Project.

Want to know more? The portal is here.

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BiiLabs Editor

BiiLabs 致力於提供全方位、可信賴、富安全性並有效率的數位轉型方案予所有客戶。在萬物聯網背景下,所有人都應擁有參與新經濟發展的機會且從現代科技當中受益;特別是於零售與行動領域中,BiiLabs 將協助解決支付、稽核,乃至於存儲等方面之問題。